It was such a surprise! I wasn't feeling very good last week, and I was concerned. I went into the doctor before our scheduled ultrasound with my doctor. My doctor has been in Hawaii with his family, so another friendly Doctor saw me. Before we started the ultra sound, the Doc checked me out and said "You sure are big, how far along are you? 11 weeks?" So when we saw two on the screen he was just giggling to himself that he thought so. Both babies are measuring at 12 weeks and a couple days, so they are a good size and show a lot of promise.One little buddy they think has a bladder issue. It was kicking and moving a lot, and there was plenty of fluid above him to suggest that it hasn't been a problem the whole time. Never the less, we will be seeing a specialist next friday to make sure that he is ok. I was told that this isn't an uncommon issue and they have ways of fixing it. For now, we just try to focus on how excited we are.