Sunday, February 21, 2010


It was such a surprise! I wasn't feeling very good last week, and I was concerned. I went into the doctor before our scheduled ultrasound with my doctor. My doctor has been in Hawaii with his family, so another friendly Doctor saw me. Before we started the ultra sound, the Doc checked me out and said "You sure are big, how far along are you? 11 weeks?" So when we saw two on the screen he was just giggling to himself that he thought so. Both babies are measuring at 12 weeks and a couple days, so they are a good size and show a lot of promise.
One little buddy they think has a bladder issue. It was kicking and moving a lot, and there was plenty of fluid above him to suggest that it hasn't been a problem the whole time. Never the less, we will be seeing a specialist next friday to make sure that he is ok. I was told that this isn't an uncommon issue and they have ways of fixing it. For now, we just try to focus on how excited we are.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2 tales of cars

We have a little parking lot for our fourplex. Our neighbor, as sweet as he is drives a GIANT extended cab full sized old truck. It's the longest truck I have ever seen. The issue is he doesn't pull all the way up in the parking spot. The truck is generally 6 to 10 feet back from where it could be/should be. Today, it was at least 15 feet back, literally in the very middle of the lot. If we had two cars this would be a big deal. But we don't, so I can't be mad, but I am going to justify being a little annoyed that I can't back into our spot.

Another story, last week I drove out to Cornish (about 30 min out in the country) to watch the Miss America pageant with my friend Coleen. I had a wonderful time and she and her daughter are so fun. The story is on my way home. So it's dark, and I am a chicken. My first move is to get the ipod out and plug it in so I can listen to some music on my way home. I turned on the dome light to make sure nobody was hiding in my back seat. Well, i was starting down the road and the music wasn't working. I pressed all kinds of buttons, nothing. so I pick up the ipod and I hear a bang/thud in the truck. I just about peed my pants; somebody had to be in the trunk. So I am thinking a million miles a min about how I am going to get to a safe place before the creep in the trunk makes it to the inside of the car with me. In my panic my first thought is "turn up the bass and the music in the back so blast out his ears so I can call Jack and find a place to pull into." so I flipped all the appropriate dials and picked the ipod back up to find something loud. Thats when I noticed the adapter wasn't plugged in all the way. Obviously I pushed it in all the way and I heard (loud because of the bass and setting switched) another crack/thud. It was then I realized there was no psycho killer in my trunk, it was my cheap audio set up in my car making that noise. I feel so silly.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My new invention

I have a terrible cold so last night I made a tent over the top of our bed so I could turn on the humidifier with some Vicks in it.
I took a fitted sheet and hung it from an edge of the long side. I then tucked the lower elastic edges on the mattress like it was designed for. So now I had to flaps of elastics up top.
I then took a small spring loaded skinny curtain rod and stretched it straight out from the window into the elastic cuff flap, and then pulled the other side over the top of the same rod. Then the obvious thing, I tucked the humidifier inside the tent on the side of the bed resting on my nightstand to hold it up.
I went to the doctor and things are looking up, but slowly. Perhaps now with my new drugs I can get some sleep at night.

Something else I wrote on my other blog, I got invited to be the friend of a girl named amy on facebook. I didn't know her, but quickly deduced that she was only adding people named Amanda to her list of friends, and one guy named adama. I figured there was something wrong with that, a serial killer perhaps, stalker, Not actually a girl named Amy. None of these things were looking good.

The neighbors downstairs have been smoking up a storm lately. Well neighbor and other neighbor's kid's and/or friends. That has been lovely. Now we just have to figure out if the dad knows. We'll keep you updated.

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