Sunday, December 6, 2009

Final Destination-Logan, and some catching up

Here is how it went down. We didn't take as many pictures as we should have. Late Late in the night we arrived in Logan. We are so blessed to have friends that helped us out Heather and Will.

They helped us find an apartment, keep my job, get a table get moved in just to scratch the surface of how wonderful they were to us.
These are the only pics we have of them right when we got home. We went to the fair, saw some awesome animals, ate some really dirty fair food and attempted to get a tattoo. I chickened out. (not a real tattoo, I would be asking to get a disease doing it at the fair of all places GROSS!

Jack and I haven't had the internet in the apartment, so this is my excuse for not having posted, many many appologies. Jack has been working hard this semester and finished very well. This semeseter I ran my foot over with a bed at the hospital and injured it enough to not be able to work on it for a month, meaning I did a lot of folding linnen for the hospital. Durring that time Jack was playing basketball and twisted his ankle something fearce. so we were quite the couple for some time.

We were so lucky this year, and I was able to get some time off of work to come home. We are here in Idaho, Jack playing basketball with his family and me watching a Christmas Carol with mine. Later tonight I have plans for adventures with a high school buddy at denny's play some games.

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