Sunday, June 27, 2010

Installment #2

Jack and I have many adventures lately. We have been into, well mostly Jack, mountain biking. One Saturday morning we got up and went for a ride. I particularly enjoyed the way back down, but I am sure it will get better.

There is a trail that leads up the canyon next to the river and the road. Up the canyon there are 2 dams in a row so we went up to the second one. We watched someone illegally encourage their dog to swim after some dogs. Then we rode back down.

As some know, I am again working with special ed children. One little buddy got a hold of me last week. This is a bite. No I will not tell you who did it. I just want you to admire my toughness.
This is for perspective. I want to pat my back a little more and let you know the bruise is about half an inch around the red mark.
This is from the pinching and the scratching. The poor buddy was not happy. No this is not an every day occurrence, but I do expect some comments of how cool you all think I am now.
This was us playing with my camera on father's day. It was taken from VERY far away and with a timer and I had one second to spare to sit down. Jack enjoyed watching me run back and forth to even get the shot. I was annoyed that I couldn't get it to STOP focusing on the branch that's kinda in front of us.
Jack went camping this weekend and took some awesome pictures. I am going to encourage him to tell about them on the blog. We will see how it goes.


  1. The line, "the poor buddy was not happy" made me laugh out loud. That's an understatement....he was...pissed. I feel the need to apologize for the billionth time for getting you this job. As wonderful as it is, I did NOT expect little buddy to go a-wall. You're a trooper, Amanda. A real trooper.

  2. Oh my gosh! I hope you get workers comp or at least a bonus for your battle scars!

  3. You are a tuff lady! I am truely impressed :D

  4. wow...I now officially know that I could not work with special ed kids cause even without having anyone come near me i manage to bruise myself all over the place-I can't imagine how bad it'd be if I actually had contact with something with sharp teeth. you need to wear big rubber gloves like people dealing with snakes or things that bite...then if there was a problem/mess in the bathroom-you're good to go ;)

  5. Did they send you home? You are super tough. I'd have wanted to bite him back.

  6. Your darn camera really did do something strange in that last picture. I tried looking at you two but my eyes kep focusing on that stupid branch. Oh-h-h if I had my handsaw...


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