Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our First Anniversary!

We are so excited that we have reached our first year! Jack and I both agree that we have grown a lot. Here are a few stats since one year ago:

We've had 4 different apartments
We have set foot in 11 states
1000 meals cooked, 800 by Jack
Fish owned: 4
wanted to get a dog 103 times
We doubled our movie collection
one calling in church
nights we procrastinated the dishes, 50
58 memorable experiences

We are still so happy and very much in love. It's been wonderful year. We wouldn't take anything back, it was ALL something worth experiencing.

*numbers and stats are purely for entertainment purposed. They may be exaggerated, altered or completely untrue. *


  1. i can't believe you only procrastinated doing the dishes 50 times! you are adorable, congrats on one whole year!!

  2. Love you guys! See you soon :)

  3. BAHH one of the fish was my bad... Sorry chicka :( I feel horrible about that hahaha


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