Thursday, August 5, 2010

McKie Campout

Over pioneer day the McKie family went to my family's cabin for a camp out. If there is one thing I could pick to remember it was the food. My mother-in-law knows how to cook for an army.

The second thing would be the slide. Sure there were horses, but I am allergic to horses so that part didn't thrill me. From what I understand, they all had a wonderful time riding around for hours. That is great because that means I got plenty of time to play with my camera and nap.

I guess the family loved the slide as well because even the adults seemed to be crazy about it. they started to make human jumps, we found tube so we could go off the end. Every one came off bruised somewhere, but it really was worth all the pain for all the excitement.


  1. Ah, I miss the slide. Lets do another rafting trip up there only this time with inner tubes. We'll hit up the slide afterwards.


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