When I was in high school I was voted to be on the homecoming court. This was extremely exciting for me, for obvious reasons, but mostly because I grew up in a different town where I wasn't cool. I was homely, ugly, and frankly quite un-popular in every respect.
I played the bass drum in the marching band, and the homecoming game was the night before a marching competition. To put the facts simply, performing at half time for the band would be the last opportunity to run through the show before competing with it.
Naturally, I am a girl who wants to be a princess. I immediately confronted my band director, telling him I would not be marching that night because I would be in my formal gown for the homecoming court. Just as immediate I was to inform him, was how immediate his response of "I don't think so" came out of his mouth.
I was devastated. I really never thought something like this was going to happen for me, and now I was going to have to choose to be a band nerd over being one of the beautiful girls on the football field.
In the end, he and I compromised. I did not have to play in the stands with the band, march over at the beginning of the game; basically no other time than half time did I actually play. My mother got a poncho and a braided belt. I wore the poncho to protect the dress from the harness of the drum and then hiked up my dress several inches and belted it there so the dress would not drag on the grass. I marched like a sore thumb in my homecoming gown.
When the performance was over, I dropped the drum, poncho and belt on the grass and sprinted to the car waiting for me at the back of the field. The visitors cheered for me, the band lined up on the other side of the track facing the crowd so it made a tunnel of sound cheering as I drove up. I won the title of homecoming queen, and really I have never experienced anything quite like it since. (Mostly because of the wide assortment of fans.)
I received a phone call 7 years later informing me that another member of the marching band, who played the bass drum had been nominated for homecoming court.
I understand that she informed my director that she would not be playing, much like I did, and was denied with:
"No, I don't think so. Amanda Perren did it in her dress and so can you."
That my friends in legendary. I have set a precedence, a standard, a bar to which all other homecoming queen/band nerds will be held to. This girl has never really met me, but still knows who I am.
I am pretty freakin' proud of myself.